Legacy 56
As part of the Chicago International Livestock Show, the National Shorthorn Lassies were officially organized in 1956. The National Shorthorn Lassie Queens represent the Shorthorn breed across the United States. Each year, the Shorthorn Foundation and the National Shorthorn Lassie Association provide funds during the queens’ reign to keep them financially supported so they can represent our breed throughout the country. This requires more than $15,000 annually. In addition to promoting our breed and serving as spokespersons, the National Shorthorn Lassie Queens also devote their time providing educational opportunities such as Lassie 101 and Lassie Princess Hour to future generations of our breed. We are asking you to donate $56 (or more) in honor of all the Lassies since 1956 that have worked to promote the Shorthorn breed. Your gift provides young ladies from all backgrounds with scholarship support and the opportunity to represent the Shorthorn breed across the United States. Become a Legacy 56 Member! Make a gift annually to support the Lassie Legacy.
MacKenna Geeseman has wrapped up her reign as National Shorthorn Lassie. MacKenna was crowned in June of 2023 and has spent the last year and a half traveling across Michigan and the US attending shows, sales and cattlemen events representing the Shorthorn breed. Kenna handed over the crown at the recent Cattlemen’s Congress in Oklahoma City. So many of the Michigan breeders were supportive of MacKenna during her time as National Lassie Queen. From the bottom of her heart she wants to share her thanks for that support!