February 21-23, 2025: MSU Pavilion East Lansing, MI The MSBA will again host the annual Shorthorn sale as part of the MI Beef Expo. The offering has a little bit for everyone, mature bred females, open heifers and bulls to take home and turn out with your herd! Join...
Legacy 56 As part of the Chicago International Livestock Show, the National Shorthorn Lassies were officially organized in 1956. The National Shorthorn Lassie Queens represent the Shorthorn breed across the United States. Each year, the Shorthorn Foundation and the...
MacKenna Geesman, Evart, Michigan was crowned the National Shorthorn Lassie Queen in Des Moine, Iowa at the National Junior Shorthorn Show. Kenna is the daughter of Jeff and Carla McLachlan Geesman, grand-daughter of Gail and the late George McLachlan of Lakeside...